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To better protect you and your agency’s data, identity verification is required. If you sign in from a computer, device or browser we do not recognize, you will choose a method (email or cell phone text), verify your identity and then receive a confirmation code to allow you to login to accessHarleysville. Click ‘Continue’ to set-up your contact preferences for the device you’re using now.
Please provide an email address (required) and cell phone number (optional, but recommended), which can be used for future identity verification. Both the email address and cell phone number should be easily accessible quickly, from any location at any time, and unique to you (not shared with others). The email address and cell phone number provided for identity verification will not be utilized for additional marketing purposes.
Important: If you provide your cell phone number and select ‘Continue’ below, you consent to receiving text message confirmation codes from Nationwide and certify that you are the account holder or have the account holder's permission. Message and data rates may apply.
Please confirm your identity verification contact details.
By having Nationwide remember a secure computer, device or browser, you will minimize the number of security challenges you encounter at login. We are able to remember multiple computers and devices per user. By choosing ‘No’ below, you will be required to verify your identity, and provide a confirmation code, next time you login on this device.
We don’t recognize the computer or device being used and must verify your identity before we allow you to login.
We have sent you a confirmation code. This code will be valid for 15 minutes. Please do not close this screen, or you will have to request a new code.